The Officers of the Parish shall be the Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Clerk, Treasurer and a Vestry composed of nine members.
The Vestry Oath. Every person elected a Vestry member shall take the following oath of office:
“I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary for salvation through Our Lord Jesus Christ and I do yield my hearty consent to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese. I promise, with God’s help, that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Vestry member of this Congregation to the best of my ability.”
The members (with ministry focus in parentheses) of the 2021 Vestry are:
Sharon Finlayson
Mace Lewis (Worship)
Charlie Plungis
Jessie Primett (Prayer)
Scott Todd (Missions)
Jackie Bacon
Sandra Streeter
Senior Warden: David Lawrence
The Senior Warden takes the lead in managing the church facilities. He liaises with the Rector and other member in the Diocese to ensure the smooth operation of the church.
Junior Warden: April Head
The Junior Warden assists the Senior Warden in managing the church facilities. This involves overseeing all cleaning and maintenance activities within the building and the surrounding grounds.
Clerk: Dana Parfitt
The Clerk maintains minutes of all Vestry meetings and the annual Parish meeting.
Treasurer: Greg Booth
The Treasurer works together with the book keeper to ensure that all our financial matters are in order. The Treasurer also leads the Finance Committee in developing our annual budget.
The Vestry shall at a minimum have the following duties:
Provide for the financial support of the Rector and exercise fiduciary oversight of the Congregation’s finance. No monies of the congregation shall be paid out except pursuant to a budget adopted by the vestry or upon authorization of the vestry
Pray regularly for the Rector and the Congregation
Support the Rector in all aspects of his ministry, including ensuring the Christian formation, biblical literacy, and spiritual maturity of the members of the Congregation
Provide an adequate place for regular worship
Provide for the compensation of paid staff members
Establish an adequate insurance program for the Congregation that includes, at a minimum, property damage, liability, personal injury, and errors and omissions
Support biblically-based financial giving by members of the Congregation
Ensure that the Congregation shares in the financial support of the Diocese
Strive for unity and adopt principles for resolving conflict